Contactless Corridor 2.0: A Reference Design
At Future Travel Experience (FTE) 2021, Paravision presented its blueprint for the Biometric Contactless Corridor, an approach for harnessing the latest generation technology to deliver a compelling, seamless passenger experience. While imminently deployable, this proposed approach requires a significant commitment in terms of footprint, installed hardware, and personnel support.
With that in mind, in this Reference Design we present the Biometric Contactless Corridor 2.0 (“CC2.0”), which builds upon the thinking and technology presented in the original Contactless Corridor while delivering a more cost-effective implementation that is more in-line with a conventional physical layout and security management approach. We also include details on how to integrate with Paravision Search and other backend infrastructure. This reference design will focus on an immigration / border management use case, but many of the concepts would carry over to other touchpoints in air travel such as pre-board screening (“security”) or airplane boarding itself.