Q&A with Vito Fabbrizio, Managing Director, HID Extended Access Technologies

Last Modified: December 12, 2023


Can you introduce the relationship between HID and Paravision?

HID made a strategic decision a few years ago to move into multi-modal biometrics and contactless technologies. We were consolidating many biometric companies with a fingerprint recognition focus and desired to expand our biometrics portfolio. When it came to the go-to-market, we singled out facial recognition partnership/acquisition. This led to the decision to partner and become a minority investor in Paravision, which we recognized as a leader in the facial recognition and Vision AI market.

We saw them as the leader and innovator we need to partner with. The vision of Paravision’s leadership team proved to be aligned with HID’s strategy, and the two organizations were highly complementary. Very important to HID was also the ethical approach to AI and biometrics which is really in the DNA of Paravision. Building positive relationships in business is one of the most important foundations for success — and we achieved this working with Paravision.

How would you foresee the future of face recognition in the market sectors you serve?

The future of facial recognition technology holds promising advancements and ongoing challenges. Here are some key aspects to consider:

We expect to see improvements in accuracy and performance for facial recognition algorithms, thanks to advancements in AI and machine learning. Equally, faster processing speeds could enable real-time and high-throughput face recognition applications and specifically more edge- computing solutions.

We also predict more widespread adoption as facial biometrics become more integrated into our daily lives, such as security systems, mobile devices and financial transactions. We foresee specific verticals — such as travel and transportation, public sector, banking and finance, healthcare and retail — may adopt face recognition for identity verification and access control.

Privacy concerns and ethical considerations are always on the forefront when it comes to biometrics with stricter regulation balanced by more ethical guidelines. This being said, face recognition technology is likely to remain a topic of debate,
with discussions around its societal impact, potential biases, and the balance between security and privacy.

Security and anti-spoofing measures are to become more fundamental features of face biometrics. Also, integration with other biometric modalities, such as fingerprints or palms, may increase security and reduce the risk of false positives.

Human-machine interaction is playing more and more a key role as user experience remains a key factor for facial recognition adoption. As a result, facial recognition will continue to play a significant part in improving user experience and enabling fast and secure authentication for various applications, such as seamless patient check-in or going through the security checkpoint at the airport.

It’s important to note that the future of face recognition will depend on technological developments, regulatory frameworks and societal acceptance. Balancing innovation with ethical considerations and privacy concerns will be crucial in shaping the trajectory of this technology.

Can you talk a bit about the role of hardware vs. software in face recognition?

The role of hardware and software in face recognition is integral to the overall performance, efficiency and capabilities of the technology. Both components play crucial roles, and their synergy is essential for effective face recognition systems. HID has been specifically focused on edge implementation and hardware
performance optimization to ensure
software algorithms can be optimized to take advantage of the hardware capabilities, such as NPU acceleration or
dedicated AI accelerators, to improve performance.

The collaboration between hardware and software is crucial for achieving real-time face recognition, especially in applications where speed is essential, such as access control systems. In addition, proper coordination between hardware and software ensures that face recognition systems can scale effectively, handling larger databases and processing requirements as needed.

In summary, quality hardware, such as the facial recognition camera itself, provides a foundation — enabling the efficient execution of sophisticated image capture, exposure control, liveness detection and matching algorithms. At the same time, well-designed software leverages the capabilities of the hardware to ensure accurate, fast and reliable face recognition.

How did HID’s background in biometric technologies pave the way for the features and benefits of the U.ARE.U Camera Identification System?

HID has decades of experience in biometric and edge computing, and it was natural for us to invest our expertise in the areas of hardware, user experience and liveness detection that would complement well with Paravision’s expertise. The HID U.ARE.U Camera Identification System is the result of the collaboration. Combining HID’s multispectral technology and AI advancements, the U.ARE.U camera
delivers fast, accurate on-device face matching with maximum security and reliability.

How do you envision the partnership between HID and Paravision evolving over time to address new challenges or opportunities?

We envision the partnership to bring tighter technology integration, plus innovation and research for AI-powered facial recognition technology. Paravision will benefit from HID’s knowledge and diversification of applications and use cases. HID also sees opportunities to expand the relationship and advocacy to address public concerns and build broader trust in facial biometrics.


Biometric Access Technologies, Vito Fabbrizio


Vito Fabbrizio is Managing Director of HID’s Biometrics business unit. He has more than 30 years of experience in high-tech security hardware and software, driving strategic growth and product visibility for both mature and emerging markets. His unique blend of strategic and hands-on tactical skills has generated proven results for partners and customers in the security industry.